+49 2505 – 93 8290

Mon – Thu: 8:00 a.m. – 17:00 p.m.
Fri: 8:00 a.m. – 13:30 p.m.

The VENTAFLEX system

[Translate to English:] Luftleitung oval Dachinstallation


[Translate to English:] Luftleitung Messehalle


Ventaflex Indoor Installation

Application areas for pre-insulated air duct systems

The VENTAFLEX air duct system stands for the efficient transport of warm and cold air. In buildings, along the house facade or on the roof – the innovative VENTAFLEX air duct system is applicable anywhere "aboveground".


Strong material

The basis of VENTAFLEX air ducts is PUR rigid foam. The GRP surfaces are made of a UV-resistant gel coating. This special material compound gives the ducts great resistance against external influences and exceptional high stability.



The initial costs as well as the big energy saving potential of 40% compared to conventionally insulated air duct systems make the air ducts of VENTAFLEX a sustainably good investment. 
You need figures? We would like to make a settlement offer to the insulated air duct systems, which you have known so far.


Easier installation

Compared to the subsequently insulated spiral ducts the installation time of our pre-insulated VENTAFLEX air duct is 60% faster. You don’t need any special tools, no heavy transport device and due to the VentSnap clamp system time-consuming adhesive bonding of the duct segments is omitted in many areas. All this simplifies the installation, you save time, machine- and staff deployment … and thereby: costs!


Perfectly compatible: Transitions and special components

A secure and tight connection to air ducts systems of other producers, e.g. spiral ducts or stainless steel ducts is easily possible. You learn more about this under the item "installation instructions".
Special solutions for special demands and external influences are our speciality. At the VENTAFLEX-production site we produce each duct part, every branch and exhaust air box which is needed for the respective ventilation system individually and custom-made.


Proven application areas of VENTAFLEX air ducts


  • industry/exhibition halls
  • swimming pools/sports facilities
  • hotels/gastronomy
  • schools/day care facilities
  • hospitals/care facilities
  • statically loaded roofs
  • food industry
  • pharmaceutical industry/ research
  • high tech production

The unique product system can be installed everywhere, where insulation, tightness, hygiene und weight plays a role.

Download technical specifications


Efficient cooling technology with VENTAFLEX

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Decision of the EU Commission: 55% LESS CO2 BY 2030

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38.000 m3 volume flow of hygienically clean air for redesigned shopping area

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When a contractor for state-of-the-art swimming pool construction technology renovates a private swimming pool only happens with premium solutions: A case for LAVANTUS!

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VENTAFLEX Calalog 2023

All air duct products, technical details, supplies and installation instructions can be found in our general catalog.

• Installation of VENTAFLEX air ducts with VENTASNAP and VENTAFIX
• Glueing of VENTAFLEX air ducts
• Installation of a compensator for the expansion compensation

• Laying the air ducts
• Length adjustment of air ducts
• Installation LAVANTUS ring seal
• Installation LavantusGrip